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Annabel Lee Whitlock tipo de personalidade mbti

Annabel Lee Whitlock tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Annabel Lee Whitlock? Annabel Lee Whitlock es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 396 en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, LIE en Socionics."

I believe 6w5 makes more sense than 9w1. 9 is about going with the flow, yes, but isn't achieving harmony its main purpose? And, from what I've seen, 9w1 usually have a strong sense of what is morally right or wrong. Annabel doesn't seem like that at all. Annabel wants to win. She has been gathering information to do what she thinks is the smartest thing (w5) in order to secure herself (6). To everyone in the story she may look like a paragon of virtue, a guide to others (to her team), but to me it looks like she is playing some kind of human chess, and doing what she thinks is necessary to have the high ground, keeping everyone around her at a distance.


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