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Winston Sterzel (serpentza) tipo de personalidade mbti

Winston Sterzel (serpentza) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Winston Sterzel (serpentza)? Winston Sterzel (serpentza) es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

He constructs his arguments by past experiences and uses logical thinking to develop it (Ti-Se) He once refused (on his stream about the ANC South Africa) to talk about the Israeli Palestinian conflict which someone on the superchats wanted him to. He dismissed it by saying "I'm afraid I'm unaware of that situation" which shows he is not willing to discuss a situation outside of what he experienced (Se) as it will be needless to "complain" about a situation that doesn't affect you such as the Israeli conflict and might spread misinformation unlike an ENTP which will be willing to discuss anything whether they are right or wrong (thus showing weak Ni in Winston). I see no Ne here.


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