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Tiger tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Tiger? Tiger es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 853 en enneagram, RLOEI en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

So sick of Tigers thinking they're the most intellectual animal in the jungle. Just because you read some Nietzsche and weren't popular in high school, seriously guys? Ugh, tigers think they're right about everything! You seriously can't get into a debate with a tiger without them hamming it up with their insistence on their own ideas, and ugh those ideas are so intense. Here's an idea for you, tigers: why don't you go outside for once? And stop acting like you're better than everyone? Tigers are such nerds


The largest of the big cats, native to Asia. The largest population is in fact in the jungles of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, but the largest variety, the Siberian tiger, lives in the freezing lands of Northeast China and the Russian Far East. As with lions, tigers used to be a very widespread large mammal, ranging from the Caucasus to the Caspian Sea coast, Central Asia, the rest of China, Korea, and other islands in Southeast Asia such as Java and Bali. They are currently the most threatened of the big cats, numbering less than 4,000 individuals worldwide and being designated by the IUCN as an endangered animal. They're one of the few cats still known to eat people, and, as such, in India, people living in the jungles will wear masks on the backs of their head to prevent tigers from sneaking up on them; in fact, they are the only predator to kill more humans per year than vice versa. Mostly comes in color orange, while other variants are much rarer but confirmed: mainly the famous white, and then "golden tabby", blue, and black colored tigers. White tigers are somewhat common in captivity and almost unseen in the wild; some of this is probably due to the need for camouflage in the wild. The white color is a recessive trait, however, and thus captive white tigers tend to be very inbred, often suffering from eye problems, hip dysplasia, and cleft palates. "Black" tigers are extremely rare and their bloodlines may be extinct. Given the lack of any captive examples, it's unknown whether they are truly melanistic or if they simply have abnormally wide stripes that leave little room for orange fur between them. Many countries consider the tiger to be the King of Beasts instead of the lion, or even a god, symbolizing wrath, war, military generals or kings. Based on a survey of 73 countries, Tigers were also voted to be "The World's Favorite Animal", narrowly beating "man's best friend".
