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Flying Type tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Flying Type? Flying Type es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 792 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, IEE en Socionics."

Honestly, i think that both Ne and Se are a correct way to see flying type, Ne is more related to the air element and Se to the bird aspect and what they represent but i'm going with Ne since Fire is already a ESFP type and i think it would be way cooler if each personnality type had at least one pokemon type to go with. so yes it's a bit of a non-rational argument but that's my opinion


These Pokémon soar through the skies with grace. Some of them don't, but they have similar abilities. Flying-type Pokémon are usually based on birds and other avian creatures, but quite a few are based on other fliers: dragons, mammals, insects, and even seedlings, balloons, and rockets. There are a wide variety of Pokémon represented by this type; in Gen VI, it was the first type to be paired with every existing type at least once, with the introduction of the Fighting/Flying Hawlucha and the retcon of Togetic & Togekiss into Fairy/Flying. They're diverse and adaptive enough that Flying-types are found in almost every conceivable environment imaginable, save for the ocean floor. The majority of them are dual-type Pokémon (as, prior to Generation V, there was no such thing as a pure-Flying type or a Pokémon with Flying as a primary type), and have Flying as their second type. Generations V, VI, and VIII introduced seven exceptions: Tornadus (pure Flying), Noibat and Noivern (Flying/Dragon), the Rookidee family (pure Flying in the first two stages, Flying/Steel upon evolving into Corviknight), and Cramorant (Flying/Water). Flying is the third most-common type. Offensively, they are strong against Grass, Bug, and Fighting, and are resisted by Electric, Steel, and Rock. Defensively, they resist Fighting, Bug, Grass, and are immune to Ground, but are weak against Rock, Electric, and Ice. In Triple Battles, Flying-type attacks can hit a target regardless of their placement, except for Air Cutter, which hits more than one Pokémon instead. Flying-types are also useful for their ability to learn Fly, which takes the trainer to important locations like towns and cities. There are a few Pokémon that are not Flying-type yet can learn the move, though. In the Trading Card Game, Flying-type Pokémon are part of the Colorless energy type.
