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Normal Type tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Normal Type? Normal Type es un tipo de personalidad ISFJ en mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - 693 en enneagram, en Big 5, SEI en Socionics."

I was about to vote ISTJ for a second. then I realised ISTJs are so normal that they're npcs. in other words, they're so normal that... they're not normal. I went with the next closest thing


Normal-type Pokémon are the Non-Elemental of the series. It's not too useful offensively, but their diverse movepools make them capable of some truly impressive Confusion Fu. Unlike most types, which have some kind of obvious unifying theme, Normal-types can be anything from common animals to bizarre Cartoon Creatures. A few Pokémon, such as Ditto, Castform, Kecleon, Meloetta, Silvally, or Arceus, whose main gimmick revolves around changing their types or not relying on types at all, are Normal-types in their natural state. They make their habitats in any region that they can call home, being the most exceptional generalists of the 18 types. Normal is the second most-common type. They make up most of the Com Mons, but there are a few outliers like Snorlax and Blissey. Arceus, the creator deity of the Pokémon world, is Normal-type in its default form. Normal-type attacks are strong against no types, are resisted by Rock and Steel, and do not affect Ghost. Normal-types are only weak to Fighting-type attacks, and are immune to Ghost. In the Trading Card Game, Normal-type Pokémon are part of the Colorless energy type.
