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Millia Rage tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Millia Rage? Millia Rage es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 629 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


Millia is elegant and calm, but does not hesitate to fight when necessary. Cold and somewhat silent, she was molded by years of assassin conditioning, with an upbringing apparently bereft of much affection. Of serene reactions that show little interest in anything, Millia doesn't feel at disadvantage for being a woman, and makes decisions solely on the basis of cost and benefit. Yet under her cold exterior, she has not completely lost her humanity; she's compassionate, especially to children—she can't bring herself to harm them—, and believes the life of an assassin to be loathsome. Perhaps because of her complex relationship with Zato, Millia seems to hold men in low regard, thinking them to be selfish, and is not afraid to voice her biting opinions of them. As for her decision to leave the Guild (which, no matter what, she sees as her home), she chose to do so after a greal deal of thinking, as she didn't want to "keep hating what she hated", and the only way out was betraying Zato.

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