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Axl Low tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Axl Low? Axl Low es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 792 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

I know he's very similar to e9 but I still think he's e7 on core, despite both enneagrams being absolutely tied up. I could elaborate further but I will summarize it in a very superficial manner; he's way too afraid of sadness in a subconscious level to be an e9. His entire tritype is entirely sadness repulsive, and having inferior Ni just adds to that. However, his huge amount of optimism is something I can see more on an average e2 and even more on e7so/sx than any e9 subtype. He's very laid back, lazy, and very separated from his own needs like a typical e9, as I said, it's very tied up for me. But his greatest motivation, if to say between e9 and e7, still is not feeling entertained (at least he's someone easy to entertain). I have read people saying that he shouldn't be on the fear triad due to his overall laid back attitude and the lack of overthinking, but in Xrd he's actually in a lot of conflict about what to do and what he should supposedly be doing about his powers. I mean, either way I try to explain this, it will be ending up stereotyping e9 and e7 too much. It's important to consider he still is a SeFi user. His thoughts wouldn't go too far, and yet, during Strive and Xrd you can see his conflicts about his fear of inflicting any kind of pain due to his actions. He is indeed afraid of what he could and what he couldnt do now that he finally is able to manipulate his powers. His most remarkable trait is his positivism. He always have something on his life he finds joy, and he finds beauty on every minimal aspect of things. Barely you would see him sad, and if so, it's mostly due to his fear of incompetence and lack of instruction, leading to confusion. I could elabore further about his ESFP functions and how e2 works on him, but I just wanted to make clear the only thing that's most conflicted here.


Axl Low is a recurring character in the Guilty Gear series. He is a gang leader from the 20th century who, due to a twist of fate, got caught into a time slip that bounces him around irregularly through time and space. He wishes to return to his own time period so as to see his girlfriend, Megumi, once again. Despite his troubles, Axl retains an optimistic and amiable nature, being a relentlessly "glass half full" sort of person, living by with "A little sloppiness is just right" as his personal motto. Although he rarely thinks about anything very hard, and is generally content to just get the gist of things or go with the flow, he is very much capable of calmly observing and analyzing a situation and taking the best course of action when faced with a predicament. He is not especially good at constructing logical arguments, however (mostly because he tries to find answers that will satisfy everyone), so other people tend not to take him very seriously.

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