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  2. Videogames
  3. Riddle School (Series)

Phil Eggtree tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Phil Eggtree? Phil Eggtree es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 583 en enneagram, RCUEI en Big 5, ILE en Socionics."

He's so fcking TI-NE it HURTS. Those two functions are just so obvious I can't even begin to comprehend how someone can think he is nothing but an INTP. When does he ever externalizes what he's thinking? We just can listen to his mind. Let's see: He analyzes EVERYTHING with his own logic, it's like his main quirk. Do I really have to explain? The Ne is also clearly present. He questions everything in a so out of the box way he breaks the 4th wall multiple times. His SI can be seen in his attention to detail. When he observes something with his SI, he stops and notices every detail, and sometimes he tells stories about how that thing reminds him about his life. This guy has thoughts to tell about every single thing he looks at. His FE is also SO clearly inferior. Has just one friend and tbh his empathy is kinda lacking, seeing people as pieces of a puzzle or helping them just if he gets something out of it. This FE starts to grow when he saves his friend because "They wouldn't be happy with me if I left them here". He couldn't understand Smiley (FE DOM) in the first game and in response, Phil was defensive towards her, but in the end, Phil falls in love with her after saving the planet. His whole character development was developing his INF FE.


Phil Eggtree is the main protagonist of the Riddle School series. A young student at Riddle Elementary school, an incident that results in him being transferred to a special class leads to him escaping the school. A witty, clever, and smart child, Phil uses these traits of his to escape not just his school, but a government-sanctioned facility, and an alien organization.
