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Shoegaze (Shoegazing) tipo de personalidade mbti

Shoegaze (Shoegazing) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Shoegaze (Shoegazing)? Shoegaze (Shoegazing) es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 945 en enneagram, RCUAI en Big 5, SEI en Socionics."

Don’t mess with us shoegazers. We are like five and we are emotionally destroyed


Shoegazing is a subgenre of Neo-Psychedelia that was pioneered and popularized by My Bloody Valentine. Its sound characterized by a huge wall of guitars playing drone-based riffs, breathy singing that is usually rendered low in the mix and often incomprehensible, pounding drumming and a mix that builds up everything into a huge wall of sound where the individual instruments blend together. In addition, a danceable undercurrent can lie beneath this wall of sound (some bands emphasized this to the point of straddling the line between shoegaze and Madchester). In short, a perfect combination of aggressive and dreamy.
