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  2. Filosofia
  3. Western Philosophy

Jean Baudrillard tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Jean Baudrillard? Jean Baudrillard es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 548 en enneagram, RLUEI en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

I would say he is an IT(S) INTP. He seems to rely a lot on describing the nature behind particular events or institutions, rather than expanding his perspective. Moreover, he is more of a conservationist and anti-postmodern, viewing multiplicity as destruction and difference as a lie, his view about it contrasts with the one of Deleuze (which i think is more of an INFJ than INTP).


Jean Baudrillard (27 July 1929 – 6 March 2007) was a French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist. He is best known for his analyses of media, contemporary culture, and technological communication, as well as his formulation of concepts such as simulation and hyperreality. He wrote about diverse subjects, including consumerism, gender relations, economics, social history, art, Western foreign policy, and popular culture. Among his best known works are Simulacra and Simulation (1981), America (1986), and The Gulf War Did Not Take Place (1991). His work is frequently associated with postmodernism and specifically post-structuralism.
