Karin Asaka tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Karin Asaka? Karin Asaka es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - 369 en enneagram, RCUAN en Big 5, SLI en Socionics."

Karin is an ESTP. If there was a second option it would be ENFJ, and that's because she loops a lot on Se-Fe. In the game during her bond episodes she starts to feel very exhausted and the reason why is because she is always trying to fit into other's expectations of her, playing the role of the mature big sister and taking care of the other idols which is very Fe. An example of that is when the girls are ordering food and Karin refuses to ask what she wanted because that would go against her image of mature, being Se-Fe due to her way of adapting herself focusing on concrete sensorial actions. So she is always being restrict about her own tastes to fit the social situations making her use of Fe really relevant to be an inferior function. Ti is still higher in her stack fitting as an aux function, as already pointed here she does value her own reasoning and logical analysis of the situations for it to be her inferior function and her use of Fe isn't exactly healthy which fits as overusing her tertiary function. Now taking the anime in count, on Emma's episode we can see a little more of Karin's character and her struggle is the same: she wanted to be a school idol but due to thinking it wasn't mature enough she was avoiding engaging on it. Enneagram 3 is pretty obvious as she really values her image of mature for others in order to feel worthy while still being very ambitious on her own and wing 2 due to being more people oriented.


A third-year from Nijigasaki Academy, Karin wants to become a school idol to boost her self-confidence. Karin is very mature and gives off a rather seductive vibe. She often tries to tease her underclassmen, or teach them how to be sexy and cool like her... although it can backfire when they begin to show her lots of attention or respond purely, and she becomes embarrassed afterwards. Karin, being the token Ms. Fanservice of the group, is heavily represented with cool and dark/sexy solo songs of various genres; appropriately, accompanying lyrics are commonly themed around love and seduction. Karin is Emma's roommate at the Nijigasaki Academy dorms.

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