Mark Kozelek tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Mark Kozelek? Mark Kozelek es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 684 en enneagram, RLUEI en Big 5, IEI en Socionics."

Lol you remove comments because they don't contribute to personality topics? That's why you removed my comment? A description of Mark Kozelek's career contributions and choices that Sinews was annoyed by? Because he didn't like my typing? You have a lot of work to do in this website, then. Its full of inane comments with 42 likes that contribute nothing to the discussion. That say absolutely nothing. That pretend to just say Fi and Ne and just for mere mention of the functions and fully opinionated as is the nature of this hobbyist website. Sinews didn't like it. That's Sinews problem. Mark Kozelek's an INFP. And 6w5, not 4w5. Deal with it.


Mark Kozelek is an American singer-songwriter and founder of the bands Sun Kil Moon and Red House Painters

Música celebridade semelhante a Mark Kozelek
