1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Literatura
  3. Narcissus and Goldmund

Goldmund tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Goldmund? Goldmund es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 7w6 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, SEE en Socionics."

I think Goldmund comes across more as an Se dominant. His desire to wrest and fashion his art with his hands via sculpting struck me as Fi-Se. He doesn't channel his feelings through abstraction like an Ne user would. Certainly, it's not imperative for him to be Jungian opposites with Narcissus as his shadow, but I think the latter was most likely an INTJ or strong Ni-user in some sense. Overall, I think the novel perfectly embodies the struggle and eventual reconciliation between IxxJ and ExxP types or nearly opposing personalities in general. They both understand one another by the end of the novel. Goldmund kept running away and drifting since he found out he wasn't cut out for a monastic lifestyle while Narcissus stayed in the same cloister most of his life. Neither of them force their philosophy of life on one another. Narcissus doesn't wield a dogmatic proposition over Goldmund and Goldmund doesn't react impulsively. However, they both realize that they can reinforce one another's blind-spots and shadow functions later in life. This is the process of individuation I think. Narcissus gives Goldmund the opportunity to work with his hands and do something of value to the church. Narcissus is taught to be more open and adventurous. Very beautiful message indeed. No doubt Hesse was influenced by Jung in this. There's also a strong Nietzschean Apollyon-Dionysian dichotomy as well. Goldmund acts mostly irrationally and lustfully while Narcissus is self-possessed and abstemious.


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