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King Leonidas of Sparta tipo de personalidade mbti

King Leonidas of Sparta tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es King Leonidas of Sparta? King Leonidas of Sparta es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 837 en enneagram, SCOAI en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

This is a healthy ENTJ. And by far not an ENFJ. I see INFJ-Voters wanting him to be an ENFJ, but he clearly isn't. Sure, we know he's extroverted and a judger. But is he a F or T Type? His speeches are constantly about progress, slaughtering the enemies, relentless and dominance. He's a wonderful sassy b**** not caring about the emotions of the enemy in front of him (an ENFJ would do). Clearly a T-Type, but a healthy one. S or N? He's very poetic, has abstract defense ideas, has constant "what if"-Ideas, he's a bit weird, but also a movement perfectionist and his sensoric view is very active. He's an x. And by far not an ENFJ. He doesn't talk about feelings, he does not use feelings or emotions to control others, he is more brutally pragmatic. ENFJ's arent like that, that's not what Fe users do. I'd say he's a healthy ExTJ 8w9 SCOEx.


#GerardButler as King Leonidas of Sparta
