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Choi Yena tipo de personalidade mbti

Choi Yena tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Choi Yena? Choi Yena es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 794 en enneagram, SCUAN en Big 5, en Socionics."

Who saw today's ENFP cake of hers and felt like crying cause she's mistyped and is ESFP😭 Edit: yooo I just realised it was her mask kill me right now that's more embarrassing 😭😌


Choi Yena (최예나) is a South Korean singer. She is known for finishing fourth in Mnet's girl group survival show Produce 48 and debuting with IZ*ONE in 2018. She is currently a soloist under Yuehua Entertainment following IZ*ONE disbandment in April 2021. (Wikipedia)

KPOP celebridade semelhante a Choi Yena
