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Poe Collector / Ghost Hunter tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Poe Collector / Ghost Hunter? Poe Collector / Ghost Hunter es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 4w3 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


The Poe Collector resides in the Ghost Shop, which was formerly the Guard House in Hyrule Castle Town, in Ocarina of Time. He sits beneath a cage containing several Poe spirits and pays Link to bring him more. If Link catches a Big Poe and sells it to him, the Poe Collector will give him 50 Rupees and 100 points. Once Link has collected 1,000 points, he will receive a Bottle from him. He praises Ganondorf's rule over Kingdom of Hyrule because it benefits his business and hopes that the world continues to decline.

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