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Zhao Yun "The Dragon of Chang Shan" tipo de personalidade mbti

Zhao Yun "The Dragon of Chang Shan" tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Zhao Yun "The Dragon of Chang Shan"? Zhao Yun "The Dragon of Chang Shan" es un tipo de personalidad ISFJ en mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 621 en enneagram, RCOAN en Big 5, en Socionics."


Zhao Yun is a Shu general and one of the Five Tiger Generals. He served Shu in many battles, with the Battle of Changban being his most famous accolade. It was said that Zhao Yun went to save Liu Bei's infant son, Liu Shan, and he had to fight through thousands of Wei soldiers singlehandedly all the way back to Shu's camp. Usually seen as one of Liu Bei's right-hand men, Zhao Yun faithfully serves him for the good of the land as a calm, yet valiant general. He is always courageous and heroic, facing impossible odds in stride. Historically, his first liege was Gongsun Zan, who was also a good friend of Liu Bei as they both studied under the same mentor Lu Zhi.

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