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  2. Videogames
  3. Hello Charlotte

Frei tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Frei? Frei es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w4 - sx/so - 541 en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

Certainly 8w9>8w7, he never seeks out new experiences to satisfy any need for control, his core motivation as a character seems to be exposing charlotte to the thoughts and feelings she's suppressed all her life to break her cycle of delusion. All he really wants is for her to be happy and fulfilled though he has a pretty twisted way of achieving that. He still maintains that 8 superiority and control but in the black ending all he asks is that he and charlotte hold each other while they exist indefinitely in a void Plus this particular oracle is just an amalgamation of charlottes deeper emotions and desires and with her being a 9 core w9 on frei complements that aspect quite nicely As far as mbti goes xNTJ is perfect for him he's got amazing Te-Ni//Ni-Te no idea whether INTJ or ENTJ though I'll vote INTJ for now just bc his manifestation as a figment of charlottes imagination sounds like the most physically inf Se a person could possibly be


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