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Kerry Weaver tipo de personalidade mbti

Kerry Weaver tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kerry Weaver? Kerry Weaver es un tipo de personalidad ESTJ en mbti, 1w2 - sp/so - en enneagram, en Big 5, ESI en Socionics."

Alright, I have been sitting in quite a bit on my fiancé primarily watching ER, so my evaluation of Dr Weaver will be a fairly hasty evaluation admittedly, but I hope I can contribute a discussion prompt out of it… Ok, I’m guessing that Dr Weaver was most likely related to Te-Si-Ne-Fi the most as she predominantly valued objectively efficient solutions that would pragmatically help patients and balance the operations of County General; it’s possible writing inconsistencies might have yielded a more Fe-like appearance, but it feels wrong to me to go “ShE cArEs aBoUt PeOpLe, So ShE’s XfXx— AlL xTxX’s ArE mEaN. Now, I personally feel like Dr Weaver presents an exemplary case of one with Te-Si-Ne-Fi being so needlessly sh*t on by others in the environment. You know, I always appreciated how appropriately transparent Dr Weaver was and how she maintained stability according to practical frameworks of what was reasonable and stabilized— it’s very clear that she was afflicted by conflicting emotions regarding patients’ circumstances, but she focused on what was efficient and practical, and there’s **nothing wrong with that**, in fact, I admire such rationality. Alright, I admittedly fetishize (METAPHORICALLY typing, literal fetish is gross and revolting for an asexual individual like myself) Enneagram type 1 to the point of unhealthy romanticization as - from what I understand - there can be tortuous inward anxiety and anger with not achieving correct standards— but Dr Weaver goes on to reinforce my appreciation for Type 1 as she maintains her principles and focuses on pursuing what’s correct and right. Such as when Lex Luth— uh, Clancy Brown’s character came on and was bothering her about… …I forgot what exactly, some medical organization that Dr Weaver disagreed with, having outwardly expressed that she will not sacrifice her principles. Others might see stringency, but what I see is bad**s moral integrity. Thanks.

