1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Literatura
  3. The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Ivan Ilyich tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ivan Ilyich? Ivan Ilyich es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 3w2 - sp/so - 361 en enneagram, SCOAN en Big 5, LSE en Socionics."

I don't understand how people saw a high Te user, for me it was clear from the first moment that he was a high Fe user (he is even contrasted to his most-likely-ISTJ older brother to have a better idea of his character) , then it became evident that he was Fe-dom and finally, when he found refuge in his job and created rules and procedures to deal with his turbulent family, it was crystal clear that he was also a high Si user. From the very beginning we are told that everybody, superiors and subordinates, found him agreeable and enjoyed his company. Even the governor invited Ivan to have lunch with him and his wife. Moreover, the reason why he married Prascovia Fiodorovna was both because he loved her and found in her his own ideas (Ti), and because the people he dealt with in a regular basis approved this choice (Fe).

