Deirdre tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Deirdre? Deirdre es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 9w1 - sx/so - 972 en enneagram, en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

So... while I 100% understand the ISFP votes (since just Kaga's note about her death justifies Fi dom), I'm going to make an argument for Ne and not Ni. In the manga, Deirdre grew up wishing for a life outside of the Spirit Forest. Her grandmother would tell her fairy tales, and a particular one that stuck was about a princess captured by an evil wizard and imprisoned in his castle, only to be saved by a (really dreamy) knight. Post-Memory Loss, she comes across this story and has a breakdown because she can feel there's something there she's missing. To further support this, here are some of her quotes in Heroes: "The trees here are very beautiful... There's something mysterious about them. I find it familiar, somehow..." "So many of my memories—memories that meant a lot to me... They're gone. I know that someone important to me has vanished into that darkness. I... I feel uneasy. Even now, here, with you. I worry I may never see you again. If I forget about you, too... please, I beg you... Come and talk to me, and tell me all about our time together. Bring back the memories I've lost." "Something dark slumbers in my blood." "I can't remember... who am I? Who am I?" "Something is awakening..." As you can see, she's trying to piece together all the fragments of her past. She can feel them connect but the amnesia spell actively prevents that. It's frustrating and anxiety inducing.


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