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  3. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Olive Hoover tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Olive Hoover? Olive Hoover es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 729 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, IEE en Socionics."

Ne- From the start it is clear that Olive is a dreamer. She envisions herself as a beauty queen and daydreams often. She’s very open to new ideas as well. Fi- Despite everything that happens in her life, Olive remains fairly positive. For her age she seems pretty comfortable with who is and what she wants to become. Te- Olive tends to be honest with her family members. She doesn’t sugar coat things and she’s honest with her opinions. Si- Olive isn’t very conventional and unlike her mom and dad, she doesn’t seem to care as much about her image.



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