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Al Bowlly tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Al Bowlly? Al Bowlly es un tipo de personalidad ISFP en mbti, - - 361 en enneagram, RCUAN en Big 5, SEI en Socionics."

My loving you meant only heartaches.


Albert Allick Bowlly (7 January 1898 – 17 April 1941) was a Mozambican-born South African/British singer vocalist who was popular during the 1930s in England. He recorded more than 1,000 records. His most popular songs include "Midnight, the Stars and You", "Goodnight, Sweetheart", "The Very Thought of You", "Guilty", "Love Is the Sweetest Thing" and the only English version of "Dark Eyes" by Adalgiso Ferraris as "Black Eyes" with words of Albert Mellor. Bowlly was born in Lourenço Marques in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique. His parents were Greek and Lebanese. They met en route to Australia and moved to South Africa. Bowlly was brought up in Johannesburg.

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