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Kasumi Mahiru tipo de personalidade mbti

Kasumi Mahiru tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kasumi Mahiru? Kasumi Mahiru es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, - sp/so - 461 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, ESI en Socionics."

Changed my vote from 4w5 to 6w5... on the surface the jealousy of a 4 seems to fit well with Mahiru with how she's jealous of Yozora, but if you look a little deeper she mainly acts the way she does towards her sister because she felt like Yozora abandoned her and she fears losing her. We see disintegration to 3 a lot during season 1 with Mahiru trying so hard to prove herself and surpass Yozora, and integration to 9 in season 2 with how she becomes a lot calmer and focuses more on supporting others, like Rei and Aria.


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