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  2. Videogames
  3. Mega Man Zero

Zero tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Zero? Zero es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 6w5 - so/sx - 648 en enneagram, RLOAN en Big 5, ESI en Socionics."

His interaction style is direct, movement-based, and always responding to the needs of others, hence an introverted 'Finisher' type. He's definitely not an idealist like X, and neither is he a future-thinking intellectual, because he aims simply to cut down the enemies that are there before him. He's forgotten most of his past, and in the later revelation that his body is a copy, he responds by destroying Omega, and accepting himself as the Zero that is now. He also fights Weil without conflict that he's a human, because Zero isn't systematic like that. He himself proclaims that he doesn't care about justice, and fights humans and reploids alike on a case-by-case basis. Add the fact that he scolds his allies for incompetence, and you have yourself a concrete and pragmatic Artisan. Hence, Finisher x Artisan, equals ISTP.


Zero is a great hero who once protected the world alongside X, his closest ally. Years ago he sealed himself away in order to allow researchers to study his mysterious robot frame, which gleaned the Cyber-Elves. However, he is awoken by Ciel in order to aid the Resistance against the tyranny of Neo Arcadia and a flawed simulacra of his old friend X.

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