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Conor McGregor tipo de personalidade mbti

Conor McGregor tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Conor McGregor? Conor McGregor es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 en enneagram, SCUEN en Big 5, SEE en Socionics."

Stop the ENTJ bs, please. He's too quick with his observations and jokes, too much enjoying materialistic stuff. He himself admitted that he cannot control himself on buying new cars. He's doing stuff that can blow his reputation apart (but it still somehow isn't). He was a smart guy, he had one of the most impressive fighting iqs, but it doesn't make him an ENTJ. Most of his predictions was about him KO-ing his opponents. He had quite a few good ones though (like the TJ and Alpha Male situation), but that's simply because he's good with his observations, he's smart. There's no Ni, there's no Te. He's too impulsive (attacking an old man, dj, rap artist, throwing bottles at pc, jumping cage to celebrate his teammate win, etc). And his tweets. Trump v2.0. When he bullies someone, he's not insulting their thinking ability or intelligence (like Te-user will, Dana and Dominick are brilliant examples), he's insulting their appearance (50- year-old retired skateboarder, pea-head, fat-skinny guy, etc).


Conor Anthony McGregor (Irish: Conchúr Antóin Mac Gréagóir; born 14 July 1988) is an Irish professional mixed martial artist and boxer. He is the former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) featherweight and lightweight champion. He has also competed as a welterweight in mixed martial arts (MMA), and light middleweight in boxing.

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