Ren Höek tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ren Höek? Ren Höek es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 684 en enneagram, RLUEN en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

Te- Ren can be quite brash and overbearing at times, and isn't afraid to tell some one if they are wrong. He goes after what he wants with such ambition, and even if it will hurt someone, especially Stimpy, he still does it (unhealthy Te and Fi). He also has quite a lot of confidence in his intellectual abilities, and wants to consider himself as the superior one, which happens in most episodes. The most direct and hot headed chihuahua I have ever seen XD Ni- Ren plans most of the adventures and schemes for the duo. His Ni can't be dominant, or else he would be able to see some flaws in his plan even before he implements them, like an Ni dominant would do, in my opinion. The boy who cried rat would demonstrate this. Se- At times, his impulsiveness can go a bit far. Man's best friend is the best episode to demonstrate this. He even tends to slap Stimpy quite a lot when he gets the chance. He also likes material gain, like money, and will think of many ways possible to earn the money with Ni, thus using Se to implement the plan in the here and now. Fi- This function, in my opinion, is his least developed function. Ren uses this function in a very immature manner, also Se, but Fi even more. Jiminy Lummox best shows his inferior Fi. He also doesn't want anyone to see him as the vulnerable one, therefore he shows a very tough image most of the time, as shown in Stimpy's fan club. He tends to have emotional outbursts when he is stressed out. He can also be a bit selfish, which is immature use of Fi.

