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Niles Crane tipo de personalidade mbti

Niles Crane tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Niles Crane? Niles Crane es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 612 en enneagram, RLOEI en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

I see Ni>Si in the way he overthinks absolutely Everything. He also puts his trusts in theories and underlying psychological causes (Ti & Ni, Fe because studying and analyzing the behavior and feelings of others.) Of problems, rather than the the obvious surface level causes (Si & Te) If he had tertiary Fi he would probably value honesty in relationships much more than he does. (His main issue in his relationship with Maris!) He would also be much more self aware, seeing as he can easily diagnose and recognise psychological issues in others, but does not recognize his own obvious negative be behaviors and patterns. (Lack of Fi self awareness!) Si-Te values simple solutions, he most definently does not. He is way to caught up in the intricacies of social behavior and relationships to not be Ni-Fe. Te-Fi would not have let Maris control everything in his life for so long, and it wouldn't have been nearly as hard for him to finally be assertive (Te) and prioritize his own needs (Fi).

