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Jerry Cantrell tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Jerry Cantrell? Jerry Cantrell es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 549 en enneagram, en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

If anybody wants a good insight into Jerry's Ni-Fi loop, listen to his second solo album, Degradation Trip. It's a very grim, dark album with Nihilistic undertones. Jerry is in his raw form here, an addict trying to process the nature of addiction in others (See "Bargain Basement Howard Hughes", about Layne Staley), while also navigating his own addictive behaviors in conflict with his true "get **** done" nature, ie Te being ignored in a Ni-Fi loop , (See "Mama's Spinning in Her Grave"). He really does read as an INTJ at conflict with his Fi and Se, AKA his inferior functions. It's someone who was an addict for a number of years, but was still very goal oriented and driven in spite of it.


Jerry Fulton Cantrell Jr. (born March 18, 1966) is an American musician who is best known as the founder, lead guitarist, co-lead vocalist and main songwriter for the rock band Alice in Chains. The band rose to international fame in the early 1990s during Seattle's grunge movement, and is known for its distinctive vocal style, and the harmonized vocals between Cantrell and Layne Staley (and later Cantrell and William DuVall).

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