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Charmander (Hitokage) tipo de personalidade mbti

Charmander (Hitokage) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Charmander (Hitokage)? Charmander (Hitokage) es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 9w8 - sx/so - 972 en enneagram, SCUAN en Big 5, SLI en Socionics."

Charmander Lizard Pokemon Will bite your face off.


A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon's slender tail and has blazed there since Charmander's birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, burning brightly when the Pokémon is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged. It is said that Charmander dies if its flame goes out. However, if the Pokémon is healthy, the flame will continue to burn even if it gets a bit wet and is said to steam in the rain. #ShinichiroMiki

Anime e mangá caracteres semelhantes a Charmander (Hitokage)
