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Edward Nygma “The Riddler” tipo de personalidade mbti

Edward Nygma “The Riddler” tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Edward Nygma “The Riddler”? Edward Nygma “The Riddler” es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w4 - so/sx - 514 en enneagram, RLUEI en Big 5, ILE en Socionics."

1 fix, not 8. He's perfectionistic and moralistic, with high-minded principles which make him overly critical of others and obsessed with "exposing" the unworthy and tainted around him. His plan in Origins specifically targets the corrupt city government officials, blackmailing them into either resigning or being forced out of office. Despite claiming to value logic over ethics (unlike Batman) he repeatedly justifies his actions with moralistic arguments - the most notable example being the men he implanted bombs into during Knight, who he claims are not worth saving due to their past evil deeds and lack of remorse. He's obsessed with Batman because he's convinced that Gotham's hero is just pretending to be a good guy, and so he's made it his mission to "expose" Batman's true face to the world. Riddler's desire to prove his intellectual superiority primarily comes from his being a core 5. His declining mental state over the course of the series may make it seem like he has an 8 fix, but he was always (from his point of view) about doing good by evil means, weeding out imperfection and focusing on what he himself perceived as being correct and beyond reproach.


Edward Nigma is a genius obsessed with proving his mental superiority to the rest of mankind. As The Riddler, he leaves clues to his crimes behind to challenge those who come after him. He is determined to prove his superior intellect to Batman, leaving numerous riddles scattered around Arkham Island when the Joker took over to stump him. When that failed and The Riddler was arrested by Batman, he swore revenge and plotted even more devious plots in Arkham City, putting the full force of his intellect behind riddles and traps designed to defeat and kill Batman. After being defeated and humiliated yet again, he returned during Arkham Knight, taking Catwoman hostage and forcing Batman to run through increasingly more dangerous and unfair trials scattered across Gotham to save her life. #INTPVillains

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