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Dennis Bergkamp tipo de personalidade mbti

Dennis Bergkamp tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Dennis Bergkamp? Dennis Bergkamp es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 594 en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, en Socionics."

The comment below about him being an INTP was too bad so I had to cover this alone. Watched him playing football, I didn't see any Se,-- he seemed to look at the external possibilities that others wouldn't have thought about-- and it's seemingly that he used his self-reasoning to, somehow, pass the ball into someone without considering about the innovative play. It's somewhat a remote vision that might be regarded as an effortless play with a magical touch of football. According to someone, he was a kid who trapped in a body of man, a vision of a child who loved playing football. I thought Ti was obvious, Bergkamp's playing style showed a mechanism of football-- he played by logical process, not by efficiency. He also emphasized the importance of technicality in playing football, with a certain rigidity but remained to be collective. I also didn't see Fi, his Fe seemed to have struck as his introverted nature and inferiority in playing football-- he was both selfless and egocentric, and more likely to sympathize than empathize. And I thought that's a clear Fe inferior. And his likelihood to play football, not only by his head but also his heart as he was the "brain" of Arsenal's play seemed to be Ti. Si was also showed from the importance to prepare for healthy meal and take care of his health. He was, not only consistent, but placed the importance of accuracy, pragmatism, and also creativity. And I doubt he is a sensor, Zidane was a sensory thinker, but not for him. Not every football player is a sensor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL1L0z454-g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDDTxWoiE_g


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