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  2. Videogames
  3. Crash Bandicoot

Coco Bandicoot tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Coco Bandicoot? Coco Bandicoot es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w6 - so/sx - 593 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, LII en Socionics."

Same error as Crash's profile: an Alpha being classified as a Gamma. Coco has more intellectually positive and social traits (similar to LII) than intellectually pessimistic and antisocial (similar to ILI). Below is a comparison between LII and ILI, and notice how Coco fits much more into the first than the second: INTj (LII) Responsible and patient. May seem like arrogant know-it-alls who are intelligent but lack ambition to do anything with it. May have a high-skilled, high-paying job but will spend most of their free time immersed in video games, programming, anime, or whatever hobby or interest they become a part of. Natural researchers. Dislike forceful and aggressive people. Skilled at understanding logical systems. They come across as serious, but in reality they take very little seriously. Likes to be around cheerful people who are constantly smiling and joking around. Enjoy expressive, emotional environments. Not very skilled at socializing until someone can open them up, and they appreciate people who can do this. More than anything, they value someone who is friendly, warm, and welcoming, who can make them feel comfortable and has good social skills. Their ESFj dual does this naturally. INTp (ILI) Intelligent and often come across as arrogant and sarcastic. A skilled strategist. Excellent at predicting long-term outcomes. Patient and aware of when is the right time to act. Dislike cheerful, overly expressive and emotional environments. They are natural cynics and pessimists. May seem inactive on their own but once someone pushes them into action, they are highly efficient. They appreciate people who can get them going. More than anything, they value someone who is domineering, ethical and willing to fight for what they believe in. Someone who is proactive and can force them into action. Their dual the ESFp does this naturally.

