1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Teatro
  3. Be More Chill

The SQUIP tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es The SQUIP? The SQUIP es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 315 en enneagram, SCOEN en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

It's a supercomputer, however, if it were an actual person it'd definetly be an ENTJ. The way it works is very ENTJish: it's one goal is to make Jeremy "be more chill", information already known to both it and Jeremy (Te) and is determined to do anything to get to that goal, having a very clear vision of it and showing it to Jeremy in BMC part 2 (Te and Ni), knows exactly what to do to get Jeremy to climb the social ladder and it is capable of changing it's plan depending on the situation (Te and Se), in the Broadway version of the show it mentions being a "learning computer" (Se) and in act 2 it starts to develop it's own goals and agenda, thinking it should help not just Jeremy but everyone, even knowing it would compromise their individuality and taking the Squip in the first place might go against their actual feelings (inferior Fi). Something interesting to point out is it's functions completely mirror Jeremy's (INTP), meaning Jeremy was innevitably going to get rid of it yet it also shows why he was even attracted to the idea of it in the first place.


The supercomputer that ends up in Jeremy's head.

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