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Todd Howard tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Todd Howard? Todd Howard es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 3w2 - so/sp - 358 en enneagram, SCOEI en Big 5, LIE en Socionics."

Te vs Ti: Todd Howard seems to judge the quality of his games on objective factors. My favorite example of this in with Starfield. His mindset his basically we have more planets, therefore our game is good. It’s a quantity over quality mindset that Te doms can sometimes fall into. (Note: This quality vs quantity split is true for all extroverted vs introverted functions). ENTJ vs ESTJ: People see how outdated some of Todd Howard’s games are and assume it’s a sign of Si. Si is scared of innovations, right? Well, it’s more complicated than that. Si is against innovations for the sake of innovation, but that doesn’t mean Si is against all innovation. ESTJs will be slow to change something for the sake of change alone, but they will be quick to make practical changes if it works better. Now, Todd Howard may view “work well” from a pure Te lens “games sell well”. From this perspective, maybe avoiding innovation is solely due to Te dom being satisfied. I think this is partly accurate. However, I also think an ESTJ would have actually been more likely to innovate (at least in the way that Todd Howard seems to avoid). I think this stems from Si vs Ni. Si creates a more down to earth aspect of ESTJs. It also creates a greater sense of responsibility. I think the massive bugs that his games often experience would bother an ESTJ more. At the very least, it would bother them enough to innovate a little. Ni leads to big picture perspective, and from this perspective, his games are beloved and successful. Why change? When you zero down to the actual experience of concrete players (Si instead of Ni), you start to get a lot more practical problems. If ESTJs sometimes are too slow to innovate because what they have currently still works, ENTJs sometimes innovate too quickly. Ni is so quick to want to push things into the future, when the old idea actually works way better. It may seem strange to suggest that Todd Howard suffers this problem. Even my own argument reference his apparent refusal to innovate. I think this quality is visible in Todd Howard, but is missed, because it’s on a more grand scale (Ni vs Ne), and it failed flat. I’m talking about the idea that all the people in Fallout 76 would be real people instead of having NPCs. From what I’ve read, Todd Howard pushed this idea, even though many people told him it was a bad idea. It was indeed innovated, but people don’t see it as such, because it was also an awful idea.


Todd Howard (born 1970/1971) is an American video game designer, director, and producer. He currently serves as director and executive producer at Bethesda Game Studios, where he has led the development of the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series. In 2009, GamePro magazine named Howard one of the "Top 20 Most Influential People in Gaming" over the last 20 years. This is how peak masculinity looks like; Toddchads, I kneel.
