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  3. Game of Thrones (2011)

Beric Dondarrion tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Beric Dondarrion? Beric Dondarrion es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 8w9 - sx/sp - 826 en enneagram, en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

kind of difficult. We're all between Intuitive feeler somehow That being said; We can all agree he is an intuitive dominant. He has that mystic and seemingly abstract way of being and talking, and his vocabulary is far from concrete This man has two motivators. Thanataphobia and people. "Death is the enemy" Now notice the "the"? death is THE enemy. Not "MY" enemy. It would be reasonable for it to be *HIS* enemy because he's knocked on death's door 6 times Yet he says "THE" as a collective stroke, implying that death is the collective enemy of the people. I get the impression that an Fi aux like he's typed now would be more inclined to value individualistic fears and wants, not that he'd gatekeep, but he'd understand that his perception is his perception, yet he's confident the true enemy of ALL is something he feels That's more Fe than Fi. Speaking of which; do you know what keeps him going besides the will of his lord? People. Its what he fights for "We won't find much joy while we're here, but we can keep others alive" This isn't a strict-Fe statement, obviously, but his willpower (HIS, not the lord of light's), is for the sake of the people. Not his own, or anything else. That gives me Fe incentive Contrast him to Varys; INFJ. "for the good of the realm" "I do what I do for the people" seeing the similarities? I think he is an INFJ.


Beric Dondarrion was a Lord of Blackhaven and leader of the Brotherhood without Banners. He turned to the faith of R’hllor after having been resurrected from death numerously by Thoros of Myr. He died at the Battle of Winterfell by sacrificing himself for Arya Stark, as he believed her to play an important part in the victory over death.

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