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Tess tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Tess? Tess es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 8w7 - sp/so - 863 en enneagram, SCOEI en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

Why Si over Ni? We both agree that Te is her dominant function, but why auxiliary Si and Ne tert? Her Ni is so obvious I'm not gonna spend much time explaining because other people already did and also because this profile is dead silent. So.. Introverted Intuition is focused inwards, on the internal world of thoughts, ideas, and concepts as opposed to an extraverted function which is focused on the world that is external to the mind. i.e. the real physical world. - You are used to having insights and hunches that frequently turn out to be correct. These "aha" moments are introverted intuiting at work. - Information and data is important AUXILIARY NI IN ENTJ : Healthy Ni should serve to compensate for inferior Fi by helping Te to understand why it is important to think about whether actions are truly meaningful, rather than making sweeping judgments or acting rashly at the expense of human well-being. When Te can understand the benefits of incorporating depth of meaning into future plans or group objectives, ENTJs will feel more in touch with themselves and be more open to seeking spiritual fulfillment from relationships, work, or public life. Te should realize that every individual has a unique and sometimes unpredictable perspective that should be respected in order to produce the best possible outcomes, rather than treating it as a nuisance, disruption, or frustrating complication. Healthy Ni should turn Te’s attention towards inner or subjective experience. Through Ni, Te can be more patient to understand situations more deeply before making judgments, shifting the sense of self inward by pursuing the potential of finding personal meaning in the world. By taking more time to make reflective decisions, Te can find more insightful ways to achieve goals or improve systems. It is especially important for Te to understand that personal meaning is an important factor to consider when evaluating outcomes or results. This is extremely lazy but it's better than not explaining at all like the ESTJ voters.


Theresa "Tess" Servopoulos is a fellow hardened survival and Joel's smuggling partner in the Boston QZ. Her past is mostly elusive and she's known and respected throughout the slums of the city. Tess' most notable qualities are her commanding presence, unswerving attitude and her ability to hold her own in a fight.
