1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Videogames
  3. Final Fantasy X-2

Nhadala tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Nhadala? Nhadala es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 3w4 - so/sx - 351 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


Nhadala is the leader of the Al Bhed excavation camp in the Sanubia Desert in Final Fantasy X-2. Nhadala is a no-nonsense businesswoman, always focusing on work and is already busy working when the Gullwings meet her. She has a knack for psyching people up and make them do their best, a useful trait in her line of work.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Nhadala
