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  3. James Bond Film Series

James Bond (Brosnan)(Lupu)(Balint) tipo de personalidade mbti

James Bond (Brosnan)(Lupu)(Balint) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es James Bond (Brosnan)(Lupu)(Balint)? James Bond (Brosnan)(Lupu)(Balint) es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 7w8 - sp/sx - 782 en enneagram, SCUEN en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

Changing my vote to ESTP after having reunited with my solidly ESTP friend after 3 years and seen him mature. Brosnan's Bond is solidly extraverted and focused (Se-dom). He also enjoys (and lives for) the thrills of baccarat, sex, beautiful surroundings, nice luxuries, and fast cars. Here is a Bond who enjoys the glamour (Se) of his role, even more so than loyalty to England. Here is a man who fights for the status and lifestyle his role gives him, rather than fundamental loyalty to his relationships (e.g. Craig's ISTP 6w5). "For England, James?" -- "No. For me." Brosnan's wit is a good example of an ESTP who has integrated all his functions. And I think it is important to note that while his skill for logistics and quips are respectively excellent examples of Ti and Fe, he doesn't completely suppress his Ni (in fact, most ESTPs I know and know of *don't* when healthy). This is demonstrated by his basic awareness of large trends, his speed at grasping concepts for his cover, understanding the villain's plots, and what M disparages as his "instincts," along with the occasional metaphor he puts into his quips. Of course, a lot of this is his Ti doing its job, but he is also capable of using Ti as an adjunct to healthily navigate his inferior function. As an additional note, Brosnan-Bond as ESTP would make INFJ villainess Elektra King his anima-inversion, which explains both their attraction to one another and also how she is so skilled at manipulating him.


MI6 agent 007 (James Bond), as played by actor Pierce Brosnan. Brosnan appears as Bond in four films: GoldenEye (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), The World Is Not Enough (1999), and Die Another Day (2002). #PierceBrosnan

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