1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Desenhos animados
  3. Sym-Bionic Titan (2010)

Princess Ilana Lunis tipo de personalidade mbti

Princess Ilana Lunis tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Princess Ilana Lunis? Princess Ilana Lunis es un tipo de personalidad ENFJ en mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - 297 en enneagram, SCOAI en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

love her sm ♥️


Ilana is one of the two central characters of Sym-Bionic Titan. Ilana is the daughter of the King and sole heir to the throne of the planet Galaluna. She has always been a symbol of hope and happiness for the citizens of Galaluna, but it is this the very reason evil forces hunt for her on Earth; her very existence is enough to rally a rebellion against her people’s oppressors and for that she must be destroyed. Ironically, the very outspokenness and earnestness that made her a hero to her people, has placed her on the low rung of the social ladder at school as a persons unfailing positive attitude is considered uncool by the other students. Despite this, Ilana is determined to make the best of her new life and to discover all she can about her adopted home. Righteous and tenacious, Ilana won’t give up until a wrong is made right.

Desenhos animados caracteres semelhantes a Princess Ilana Lunis
