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  2. Videogames
  3. Fate/Grand Order

Kiara Sesshouin tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kiara Sesshouin? Kiara Sesshouin es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 2w3 - sx/so - en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

Kiara believes she is the only "real human" - and thus, the only one deserving of love, the act of giving which is, in her mind, the only salvation that exists for those that fall prey to desire. I see the case for INFJ now - the justification of her motive is entirely Ni-Ti (abstract, subjective logic based on percieved patterns), but her Fe is scary, especially coupled with Rie Tanaka's fantastic VO. Her seduction of others into her worship extends to even one of the literal Demon God Pillars - a fragment of a Beast. Her words and her voice are honeyed - and it's not hard to imagine what the Kiara of Seraphix was once like to her coworkers as therapist - and yet her very being has become something so twisted and warped, and the juxtaposition is so intriguing.



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