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Ace Markey tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ace Markey? Ace Markey es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 684 en enneagram, SLUEN en Big 5, SEE en Socionics."

i am begging personality database users to learn what instinctual variants mean. this guy is the epitome of a counterphobic, sx6. sp6's are described as *warm*, friendly, and make themselves as nonthreatening as possible in order to make connections and get security with people. they are described as "teddy bears" by naranjo. they form alliances with the idelogy of "i will not hurt you, so don't hurt me" or "i am your friend, be my friend". this is not ace at all. sx6s on the other hand, are the textbook counterphobic 6. they go against fear by trying to feel strong and intimidating. "the best defense is a good offense." ace is constantly trying to seem bigger, meaner, and stronger, as a defense mechanism to protect himself against his fears. sx6.


Ace Markey is an incredible Jockey, having won dozens of awards for his jockeying abilities…and yet he completely detests the sport. Ace is incredibly aggressive and constantly lashing out at others, and yet at the same time is a massive coward. He’s all bark, no bite.
