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  3. Transformers: Animated (2007)

Blitzwing (Hothead) tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Blitzwing (Hothead)? Blitzwing (Hothead) es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 863 en enneagram, SLUEN en Big 5, en Socionics."

THE NAME IS ESTP 8w7 SX/SP, INSECT! QUICK ASSESSMENT OF HOTHEAD BLITZWING —> Se-Ni: I feel that Hothead Blitzwing was predominantly “bold” and “resilient”, his immediacy in wanting to directly assert himself in the environment possibly having been made evident in “Lost and Found” as he wanted a tank for an alternate form to cause real and tangible impact. —> Ti-Fe: Although he was impulsive and belligerent about, I feel that Hothead Blitzwing knew when to “[use] skills and intelligence” in effective ways, such as in “Velocity” (Season 2), he was deliberate and determined to take down the Autobots and obtain the Allspark fragment from Master Disaster with skill and grit. —> Type 8w7: Hothead Blitzwing’s inherent vice was likely with his impulsive compulsion with being able to “enjoy intimidating those whom [he saw] as weak” with “little compunction”; his belligerence did not phase the much more powerful and moral Omega Supreme in the epic battle of “A Bridge Too Close”. —> sx/sp: As a possible “SX8”, Hothead Blitzwing definitely contended with lackluster “impulse control”, but nonetheless, his inclination to “broadcast” his “signal powerfully” made him a force to be reckoned with in “Decepticon Air”. —> I considered the possibility of Hothead Blitzwing to be a counterphobic Type 6 as in directly challenging sources of fear, but I think Core Type 8 might be more accurate as he seemed more focused on asserting himself as a strong, resilient force not to be messed with. SOURCES —> Blitzwing: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Blitzwing_(Animated) —> MBTI: https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/theory —> Enneagram: https://oceanmoonshine9.wordpress.com/eights/ —> Enneagram’s Instincts: https://www.docdroid.net/QTXfwgk/hudson-subtypes-pdf#page=25 Thanks.


Desenhos animados caracteres semelhantes a Blitzwing (Hothead)
