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Sarawat tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Sarawat? Sarawat es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 4w3 - sx/sp - 548 en enneagram, RLOEN en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

Hey, guys. How is he an ISTJ? Where is his Si & Ne? He's not even traditional and conservative like most ISTJs in Thailand. He prefers to do what he wants to instead of being disciplined enough to do what he has to do (Si). He prefers his OWN systems, his OWN beliefs, his OWN goal and his OWN future (Ni). He's ISTJ because he follows Tine's orders? Not really. He did it because he knew it was a good idea to go along with Green's plan (Ni + Fi). He is very logic and has good reasonings. His thought process is very straightforward and based on broad logics combined with his ideal of the future (Ni + Te) it's not something ISTJs would do. ISTJs are very well mannered just like Queen Elizabeth II because of Si & Fi. Sarawat obviously don't care about Si and he doesn't even want to talk about his past experiences until Tine kept on forcing him. He has Shadow Functions under stress (Fe trickster and Si Demon). His Se is a lot stronger than his Si. He loves music and he took an advantage of Scrubb to hit on his crush because he obviously knew he would get his crush (Ni). He's well prepared for actions. He's very focused on his goal without expanding goals. It's Ni not Ne. Ne expands goals. Ni deepens goals.


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