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  2. Histórico
  3. Historical Figures (200's)

Lady Zhang older (孙皓大张妃) tipo de personalidade mbti

Lady Zhang older (孙皓大张妃) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Lady Zhang older (孙皓大张妃)? Lady Zhang older (孙皓大张妃) es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 2w3 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


Zhang Bu's two daughters were both great beauties. After Sun Hao killed Zhang Bu, he took Zhang Bu's youngest daughter into the harem and favored him. One day, Sun Hao asked her: "Where is your father?" The little girl replied: "She was captured by a thief. Kill!" After hearing this, Sun Hao was furious and killed her with a stick. However, Sun Hao missed her beauty again and ordered a skilled craftsman to carve the image of a little girl out of wood and place it next to her seat. Sun Hao asked the people around him again: "Does Zhang Bu have a daughter?" The people around him replied: "Zhang Bu's eldest daughter married Feng Chun, the son of Feng Chao, who was a guard." After hearing this, Sun Hao was about to Feng Chun's wife, Zhang Bu's eldest daughter, took her into his harem and was greatly favored. He named her Mrs. Zuo and feasted with her in his room all day and night, ignoring the government affairs. Later, Zhang Bu's eldest daughter died. Sun Hao was very sad and buried her in the garden as a big tomb. Sun Hao himself was buried in the tomb for half a year and was even considered dead because the funeral was so extravagant.

Histórico celebridade semelhante a Lady Zhang older (孙皓大张妃)
