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Sundowner tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Sundowner? Sundowner es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 en enneagram, SCUEN en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

I don't get the ENTP votes. Sam's an ENTP, using Ti and Ne to reflect on himself and [profanity filter] with Raiden, but Sundowner's absolutely an ESTP. He lives in Se and uses his Ti to justify his [profanity filter] crazy theories which, logically, make sense, but are so estranged from morality and normalcy only someone who's lived his life (Se-Ti) could understand and support him. Probably not even then. Unless that someone got their arm chopped off, lost touch with themselves, and fell in heteroflexible love with a ninja twink, but those are rare circumstances.


Sundowner was a cyborg mercenary who served as the de facto leader of the PMSC Desperado Enforcement LLC. during their activities in 2018, as well as a member of the Winds of Destruction, alongside Mistral and Monsoon. His name was derived from the wind condition that occurs in Southern California. Donning a specialized custom cyborg body, the immense Sundowner wielded two high-frequency machetes known as “Bloodlust”. In addition, the two machetes could also be merged into a scissors-like contraption to cause further damage to the enemy. His cyborg serial number was 978-AZQEE. #CompleteMonster

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