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Amaury Guichon tipo de personalidade mbti

Amaury Guichon tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Amaury Guichon? Amaury Guichon es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 4w3 - - en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

After watching the show i think he's INTJ. He's very perfectionistic and organized. He notices underlined stuff about people around him and when contestants are telling him about the ideas first thing he thinks of is how it would turn out and would it actually work (ni-te). It comes of as wise and predicting which is a good description of Ni imo. Also, his style of talking is thought out more than relaxed and he's making sure to say the right thinks to the contestants so they don't feel discouraged. (eg he's making sure to tell the girl she's making progress without being too obvious because he knows she's having self doubts) He doesn't say more than necessary and is straight to the point and is cautious of the way his words are received. (again, Ni+Te)


Chef Amaury is a world-renowned pastry chef who has been teaching masterclasses around the world for the last three years. Prior to realizing his passion for teaching, Chef Amaury reached executive chef level at the age of 21 at Hugo and Victor in Paris, France. Shortly after he was invited to participate in the first televised pastry competition in France where he placed 3rd. This experience gave Amaury the opportunity to make his dream of moving to the United States a reality where he was able to develop his skills, style, and techniques which quickly gave him notoriety on social media platforms. Shortly after moving to the United States Chef Amaury realized he loved interacting with people who shared his passions, and that lead to his new career in teaching masterclasses around the world.

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