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Robert S. Langer tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Robert S. Langer? Robert S. Langer es un tipo de personalidad ISFP en mbti, 4w5 - SP1 - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Fi-Se-Ni-Te Robert langer was more of a Reality with visionary dream since he was a kid that helped him guide himself through what he is capable of doing so but even his proposal was rejected he embodied the unique medicine administration this ideas mostly compose to himself as combining the technology and biology by inventing a remote control delivery of the medicine that been not invented through the generalized medical field today.


Robert Samuel Langer Jr. FREng (born August 29, 1948) is an American biotechnologist, businessman, chemical engineer, chemist, and inventor. He is one of the twelve Institute Professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was formerly the Germeshausen Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and maintains activity in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT. He is also a faculty member of the Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. Langer holds over 1,400 granted or pending patents. He is one of the world's most highly cited researchers and his h-index is now (according to Google Scholar, 2023-09-16) 315 with currently over 400,000 citations. He is a widely recognized and cited researcher in biotechnology, especially in the fields of drug delivery systems and tissue engineering. He is the most cited engineer in history[8] and 2nd most cited individual in any field, having authored over 1,500 scientific papers. Langer is also a prolific businessman, having been behind the participation in the founding of over 40 biotechnology companies including the well-known American pharmaceutical company, Moderna. Langer's research laboratory at MIT is the largest biomedical engineering lab in the world; maintaining over $10 million in annual grants and over 100 researchers. He has been awarded numerous leading prizes in recognition of his work.

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