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  2. Histórias em quadrinhos
  3. Knights Of The Dinner Table

Boris Alphonzo "B.A." Felton tipo de personalidade mbti

Boris Alphonzo "B.A." Felton tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Boris Alphonzo "B.A." Felton? Boris Alphonzo "B.A." Felton es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 9w1 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


B.A. is the GM and current organizer of the Knights (although the group was founded, and GMed, by Brian). In his 30s, he lives with his mother due to a failed attempt at game design, and works at the local pizza shop known as the Pizza-A-Go-Go, as well as his father's dry cleaning shop. B.A. has a bad reputation among the Knights for being ruthlessly cunning, largely because the players tend to be paranoid and to react poorly to setbacks, and any attempt at normal gameplay usually ends in misery (or complete and utter disaster). He often finds his games thwarted or sabotaged by the antics of the other players, much to his dismay. He is also a sucker for the local game-shop owner, "Weird Pete" Ashton (see "The Black Hands Gaming Society", below), who constantly finds ways to sell him new or over-stocked product, on the basis that it's just what B.A. needs to spice up his campaigns. B.A. was supposedly based on Jolly Blackburn himself. B.A. from late 2005 to early 2006 took a furlough f

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