Mio Kurosuzu tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Mio Kurosuzu? Mio Kurosuzu es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 693 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, ESI en Socionics."

I think that she's an INFJ. Introvert - Obviously, she lacks friends as a result of having to transfer frequently. Intuition - Mio encourages to Yakko to believe the illogical and has a good grasp of the paranormal, I say intuition. Feeling - Although she's knowledgeable about the occult, she is quite emotional and understands Yakko's pain about the departure of her friend. Judging - She's strict with procedures and prefers to act quickly as when she put herself in danger so Yakko can run away. I'm not sure about the judging part since she seems perceptive as well.


Mio Kurosuzu (黒鈴 ミヲ (Kurosuzu Miwo)) is a friend of Yakko with powerful spirit sense leading her to work with the paranormal investigations branch of the police

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